Sunday, November 2, 2014

"Yes, they are fake! My real ones tried to kill me!"

"The End of October But Not the End of Breast Cancer"
By: Susan M. Love
Source: The Huffington Post

            "As October comes to an end, we can put away our pink clothes for another year and focus on the real challenge -- not awareness, but action!" (Susan, 1). Many people connect the color pink with breast cancer and a lot of people are aware that breast cancer is an essential problem for women. The questions for those working on the subject at hand are: What do we do next? What actions do we need to take to make a real difference in decreasing breast cancer deaths? Doctors too often combine the idea of finding tumors with saving lives, but the reality of this is that some cancers are fast-growing that even the best efforts are to no advantage. Women are living with various types of breast cancer. We owe them "something better than removing a normal body part to prevent what may or may not become a life-threatening disease" (Susan, 2). We owe them a cure. The time has come to go above and beyond awareness and find solutions that will help women. We need to know how and where this cancer starts. We need to work together to create a future without breast cancer.

            Between now and next October, many other women in the U.S. will die from breast cancer.  This article is important as it raises awareness for breast cancer and successfully provides the message of taking action and finding answers. Without uniting the breast cancer organizations, the government, the scientific community, and the people of the United States, we will not accomplish one of our many goals: a future without breast cancer! 

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