Sunday, November 2, 2014

“There must be something in books, something we can’t imagine, to make a woman stay in a burning house; there must be something there. You don’t stay for nothing.”

            Assuring a high quality and effective education for future generations, is one of the most important things we can do as the present generation. We have drastically improved our use of technology, but we must achieve more than just the means of  technology; we must provide to the future generation, a glimpse of our world as it was developed. Kids cannot lose their innocence, their authority, their love, their hope, their imagination, their social skills, and their power to reason.
            In twenty years, I see future generations learning their social skills from robots.  I do not particularly see a high school, but rather I see an institution found for primarily technological purposes. I do not see much of an interaction, instead I see people staring at one another with dull and boring eyes that show no apparent sign of life. I see no books as technology is the main priority. I think in twenty years, the future generation will embrace new media, sports, and a faster pace of life causing books to be ruthlessly decreased or devalued. I do not see free-thinking ideals nor do I see any liberating spirits. The government has taken complete control and has instilled fear in people's hearts. People have lost their individuality. I do not know if this is because of the fact that I doubt the future generation or I just particularly am not fond of the idea of the future generation, but I see very few people questioning their lives and their own perception of happiness. I am not necessarily too fond of the idea of traditions, but I still support it to some extent, but in the future I see no signs of traditions at all, which is not necessarily a good sign.
           I imagine myself to be a rather different teacher; the outcast of the new society, the teacher who rebels and passes on these revolutionary thoughts and ideas. I would try to change the mentality of this generation from living a mechanical life to living an extraordinary one. I would like to teach these group of individuals to look at life in a different way and to live their lives on their own terms. I want these group of people to start questioning the authority. Although, I imagine myself doing this endeavor, I question myself, "Would I really do what I think I would do, if was put under that certain situation?"

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