Saturday, January 10, 2015

When the world says: "Give up," Hope whispers: "Try it one more time."

"New science helps a paralyzed man move his legs for the first time in years"
By: Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield
Source: CNN News

       Every morning for two and a half years, Calvin Goza attempted to move his legs, desperately awaiting the day for a small change. An accident with a drunken driver was the cause of Goza's paralysis. "No amount of wishful thinking could help him move his legs again" (Cohen and Bonieifield, 1). On December 25, Goza got another chance. At the University of Louisville, Goza was given the chance to receive a new therapy, which was designed to help him move his legs again. Sensors were attached up and down his leg. The researchers had inserted electrodes in his spine and on his toe was placed a ring and a string. The goal was for Goza to try and pull that string with his toe. For a couple hours, the scientists tried sending jolts of electricity
to the receptors surgically implanted in Goza's spine, but nothing happened. They amped it up, and Goza's toe moved the string, but what is more amazing is that he also bent his knee. ""It was pretty awesome," Goza said. "I questioned it at first: Maybe it didn't actually happen, and I was just hoping it did"" (Cohen and Bonieifield, 1). Doctors are optimistic, and they hope that Goza will have the chance to walk again. Other paralyzed men have also encountered benefits from the therapy that may be even more significant than walking.

       This article is important as it shows today's technological and scientific advances. It reveals that science can make the impossible possible. But most importantly this article inserts faith in people. Faith, that maybe one day all of the pain in the world will be gone. 

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